
Confined Space Entry Team
Rescue Resources is much more than a basic first aid/medical team. Our team members bring years of experience, a higher level of care, safety, and training. Rescue Resources is an onsite first response emergency medical service providing on site examination, treatment and stabilization until transport services arrive. Through our medical adviser and protocols, Rescue Resources’ team members are able to provide a higher level of emergency medical care than other basic care providers.

On Site Workplace Medical Service

Reduce your costs and liability by eliminating unnecessary transports to a health care facility.
Unnecessary costs can include:

  • Transportation cost and liability
  • Treatment provided by a health care facility
  • Down time of the injured person
  • Added burden placed on other employees

Medical 2As an onsite medical service, our staff can provide an initial examination of employees or associates who become ill or injured. An onsite determination can be made as to whether a patient can be treated on site and returned to work or if further treatment at a health care facility is needed.

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