Rescue Resources is a private confined space and technical rescue team founded in 1993. All team members are employed by Rescue Resources and are not sub-contracted.
We provide medical support, fire suppression, and confined space and technical rescue on a contract basis. Our clients include: Government agencies, television and motion picture industry, businesses, industry, and municipalities.
Our Mission
We serve you by protecting life, property, and environment through education, prevention, training and timely incident response.
Promote safety and prevention through the use of health and safety assessments, educational programs and multi-media promotional programs.
To train with, and provide training to, our clients in all disciplines of search and rescue.
Incident Response
To respond to emergency and non-emergency incidents in a timely and safe manner and assist clients requesting equipment and/or personnel.
RESCUE RESOURCES is available to respond to or provide standby for the following:
On Site Medical Support (non-transport)
Vertical Rescue (high level/low angle)
Vehicle Extrication
Ice and Water Rescue
Wild Land and Building Searches
Building Collapse
Heavy Urban Rescue
Confined Space Rescue
Trench/Cave-in Rescue
Elevator Rescue
Rural Rescue
Haz-Mat Incidents